82 Ow and Chow: Can Tree Roots Improve Infiltration into Compacted Soils? tends to get blocked over time, and this may impede upon root penetration. The data also indicated the importance of species selection when considering urban stormwater systems. While the construction and design of urban stormwater systems are fundamental, the choice of species should not be neglected. Species adapted to waterlogged conditions are expected to excel in urban stormwater systems. Tolerance for water- logged conditions can confer abilities to penetrate compacted, saturated soils, since soil strength is reduced under such conditions (Sairam et al. 2008). CONCLUSION Roots penetrated compacted soils, resulting in improved hydraulic conductivity. In the structural soil experi- ment, roots were found to have penetrated the geotex- tile. The woody coarse-rooted species, Pouteria obovata, improved hydraulic conductivity twofold when com- pared to the fine-rooted species, Calophyllum soulattri. 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