4 SAFE & VAULT TECHNOLOGY | November/December 2023 www.savta.org SPOTLIGHT INVESTIGATIVE T his month, I’d like to address two (and a half) groups who might be reading this column. First are the IAIL members who like the things we’re working on and the direction we’re heading. How best can you “give back” to the association, you might ask? Right now, I’m not going to ask a lot—in fact it’s really simple. Find a member or two to join IAIL. That’s the second group: those who have not yet joined. To really flourish, we need growing membership, and each of you almost certainly knows someone or two or three who could benefit from IAIL membership. This could be someone who might take advantage of an (extremely reasonably priced) ALOA add-on membership or someone in the forensics field who may not be aware of IAIL or hasn’t thought about the benefits of joining. If you believe in what we’re doing, the ask is simple: Talk up IAIL in your pro- fessional circles, and let’s help our association flourish. If (unlikely as it may be, and this is the extra “half” I was referring to) you’re not pleased with our direc- tion, let us know, give us suggestions and get involved to help us improve. Give us your productive feedback. I can’t promise we’ll be able to do everything. But I can promise we’ll seriously consider every suggestion, and we’ll cherish every good idea. If you are an ALOA member but not a member of IAIL, please check out IAIL and consider joining. If the fascinating field of forensics interests you, even just a little bit, check us out again. You might be surprised how much IAIL has to offer. We have a lot going on (certification, Forensic Fridays, CFL manual, education, professional opportunities, job referrals, networking, friendships and more), and we’re moving in the right direction. Consider joining, you might be surprised and pleased at what you see. Join Us For Forensic Fridays Last month, we were pleased to have Jon Payne’s Introduction to Hotel Locks Foren- sic Fridays presentation. It was a great chance to learn from a long-time industry insider who shared his deep experience with us. Be sure to join us for part 2 on Friday, November 24 (Black Friday). We’ll discuss the forensic attributes of hotel locking systems and get a peek at some industry case studies, some of which were in the headlines and some which have not been publicly disclosed in mainstream media. See you there! “To really flourish, we need growing membership, and each of you almost certainly knows someone or two or three who could benefit from IAIL membership.” If you didn’t attend the Yankee Se- curity Convention, it was another great show this year in Springfield, MA. Clyde T. Roberson, CML, AHC, CPP, CMST, CFMST, AMKS, President, International Asso- ciation of Investigative Locksmiths [email protected] Get Published! IAIL members: Submit your articles for the Investigative Spotlight department. Send your information to Tom Demont at [email protected]. What Are You Waiting For?