ii age, income, and education on women’s preferences. In this spirit, a photo survey was conducted among 178 women as park users in Tabriz in 2017. Descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and comparison tests such as one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data. Based on the results, the highest preferences were for mystery, complexity, and prospect. The results also revealed that the preference for landscape spatial quality indicators (LSQIs) varies among different age groups, education levels, and income statuses, where middle-aged women show the highest pref- erence toward all of the LSQIs. Similarly, perception of and preference for landscape were seen to increase with education level, with less edu- cated women demonstrating the lowest preferences for LSQIs in a park environment. Also, women with low and high income levels had the highest preference for mystery, complexity, and prospect of LSQIs. The population of middle-aged residents is increasing, which renders it nec- essary for special attention to be paid to understanding their opinions and demands for public spaces, such as landscape quality. It was likewise confirmed that users’ characteristics should be taken into account in planting design, particularly its spatial configurations in urban parks. Keywords. Landscape Preference; Landscape Spatial Quality Indicators; Tabriz City; Users Characteristics. Po Ying Lai, C.Y. Jim, and Hao Zhang Heritage Trees in Macau: Relationships Among Biomass Structure, Age, and Ecosystem Services .................................................................................................................109 Abstract. Older trees in good health are expected to provide more ecosystem services and equivalent economic values due to their large size. The relationship of tree dimensions, respective tree height, crown area, diameter at breast height (dbh), and total leaf area vis-a-vis age were studied for 790 heritage trees ≥ 100 years old in Macau; 50 genera and 63 species were represented. Seven out of ten common genera showed no significant increase for all tested parameters except increase of dbh with age. Other factors, such as condition and geometry of growing spaces, controlled the performance of heritage trees, as well as the realization of their biological potential size, with implications on the provi- sion of ecosystem services. The effects of these heritage trees on air-quality improvement and gross carbon sequestration were quantified by the i-Tree Eco model. Overall, 806.8 kg of air pollutants were removed annually, with benefits valued at US $8,091. The heritage trees stored 3,041 t carbon in total and sequestered 842 kg carbon/yr, equivalent to US $601 in annual benefits. The values were much higher than ordinary urban forest trees. Ten common heritage tree genera were ranked by their capacities for air quality improvement, carbon storage, and seques- tration. The findings can serve as a decision tool for heritage tree management and conservation and to estimate potential ecosystem services of established trees. Keywords. Air-Pollutant Removal; Carbon Sequestration; Carbon Storage; Ecosystem Service; Heritage Tree; Monetary Value. G.M. Moore and G. Lefoe The Effect of a Heat Wave on Urban Tree Pests in Melbourne, Australia: Examples that May Inform Climate Change Tree Management ..............................................................135 Abstract. Climate change will have profound deleterious effects on many trees in urban environments; however, as in any biological system undergoing change, there will be benefits. On 7 February 2009, the Australian city of Melbourne experienced its hottest day on record (46.4 °C [115.5 °F]) after a heat wave. In the days that followed, the foliage of native Australian mistletoes, Amyema miquelii and A. pendula, growing on Eucalyptus camaldulensis were observed to lose their green color and turn gray. In large numbers, the mistletoes can cause significant stress, leading to tree death. In the aftermath of the record hot day, large numbers of mistletoes died, and 5 years later the level of mistletoe infestation remained low. On the afternoon of 7 February 2009, tens of thousands of elm leaf beetles, which heavily graze the mature elms of Melbourne (Ulmus procera and U. × hollandica), were found dead under the canopies of street trees, and numbers remained low for at least 5 years there- after. Similarly, psyllids, Mycopsylla fici, and infestations of Ficus macrophylla, which can seriously defoliate trees, fell from high to undetect- able levels in the month following the heat wave. The effects of heat waves and very high temperature days have significant implications for those managing pests in urban forests. Pest control programs were unnecessary in the immediate aftermath of the heat wave and hot days and for up to 5 subsequent years. This has positive implications for tight tree management budgets, but could also lead to a discontinuation of pest monitoring and control programs. Such an approach could see a return to high levels of infestation. Keywords. Amyema miquelii; Elm Leaf Beetle; Eucalyptus camaldulensis; Ficus macrophylla; High Temperatures; Mistletoe; Mycopsylla fici; Ulmus. Joshua Petter, Paul Ries, Ashley D’Antonio, and Ryan Contreras How Are Managers Making Tree Species Selection Decisions in the Pacific Northwest of the United States? ................................................................................................................148 Abstract. Trees provide an array of social, economic, and ecological benefits; furthermore, trees on public land are critical for providing those benefits to people who cannot afford their own trees. It is important to know how managers make trade-offs and prioritize different tree selec- tion criteria in order to target educational campaigns at the state or regional level. Primary contacts for Tree City USA designated cities were surveyed across the Pacific Northwest. Of these municipalities, 79 out of 151 responded (52.3% response rate), with 6 municipalities providing ©2020 International Society of Arboriculture
March 2020
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