Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 40(2): March 2014 117 Donovan, G.H., Y.L. Michael, D.T. Butry, A.D. Sullivan, and J.M. Chase. 2011. Urban trees and the risk of poor birth outcomes. Health & Place 17:390–393. Dwyer, J.F, D.J. Nowak, M.H. Noble, and S.M. Sisinni. 2000. Connecting people with ecosystems in the 21st century: An assessment of our nation’s urban forests. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW- GTR-490. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 483 pp. Accessed 04/05/2012. Escobedo, F., D.J. Nowak, J. Wagner, J., C.L. De la Maza, M. Rodríguez, D.E. Crane, and J. Hernández. 2006. The socioeconomics and management of Santiago de Chile’s public urban forests. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 4:105–114. Flocks, J., F. Escobedo, J. Wade, S. Varela, and C. Wald. 2011. Environmental justice implications of urban tree cover in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Environmental Justice 4:125–134. Figure 2. Benefit Density and Street Tree Density z-scores for Providence block groups in the 2000 U.S. Census. van and Prestemon (2012) have established that not all street trees function equally, regardless of species type and size. In particular, larger stat- ured street tree species generally provide many more ecosystem services than smaller statured street tree species. The role played by street trees in providing these services is increasingly seen by municipalities as important (Seamans 2013). Therefore, if understanding relative street tree function and performance in a spatial con- text is desired, then measures incorporating ben- efit estimates should be considered in addition to measures based on tree counts when analyzing the spatial distribution of municipal street trees. LITERATURE CITED Anderson, L.M., and H.K. Cordell. 1988. Influence of trees on residential property values in Athens, Georgia (USA): A survey based on actual sales prices. Landscape and Urban Planning 15:153–164. 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March 2014
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