Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 43(4): July 2017 161 Table 4. Tree species’ potential and/or suitability in various phytoremediation techniques; h = high, l = low, n.k. = unknown. Species Bioindicator Acer pseudoplatanus Ailanthus altissima Betula pendula Carpinus betulus Ginkgo biloba Platanus × hispanica Quercus robur Tilia cordata lz, y, x, w, v hq, p hz, x, w, o, n, m, l ly, m ls, i ll hz, y, x, f lo, w, e Robinia pseudoacacia hz ,y, w, q, l, d, c, b, a,* ly, o, m, k z Dmuchowski et al. (2011) y Kardel et al. (2011) x Kardel et al. (2012) w Pourrut et al. (2011) v Sawidis et al. (2011) u Simon et al. (2011) t André et al. (2006) s Neinhuis and Barthlott (1998) r Sæbø et al. (2012) q Baycu et al. (2006) p Wang et al. (2006) o Aničić et al. (2011) n Evangelou et al. (2012) m Khavanin Zadeh et al. (2012) Pb n.k. lq lk n.k. lh ll le lq, a, * lo, k, ** h d, c h z, n, l Cd lu lq lm, l, k n.k. n.k. n.k. le h z, n, j Cu lu h v n.k. ln, l n.k. lh ll le lq, d, c, a, * lk hd, c, * lo hk la Zn hv, u lq, p hw, n, l, j n.k. lh n.k. le lq, a lo h l h d, c, * l Van Nevel et al. (2011) k Tomašević et al. (2011) j Unterbrunner et al. (2007) i Murakami et al. (2012) h Xiao and McPherson (2011) g Dzierżanowski et al. (2012) f Wisniewski and Dickinson (2003) e Aboal et al. (2004) d Çelik et al. (2005) c Cicek and Koparal (2004) b Ji et al. (2012) a Samecka-Cymerman et al. (2009) * Serbula et al. (2012) ** Tomašević et al. (2013) Fuentes et al. 2001; Calfapietra et al. 2013). The choice of an emitting or non-emitting stresses (e.g., mechanical injuries or drought) may induce a change of constitutive BVOCs, either stimulating or quenching the emissions, or may induce de novo synthesis and emission. Induced emissions may occur in a systemic way—i.e., away from the site of dam- age (Loreto and Schnitzler 2010). The emission of BVOCs is biosynthetically controlled by abi- otic factors, such as light and/or temperature, atmospheric CO2 concentration, or nutrition. Trees in urban environments can be either par- ticularly subjected to stresses related to tem- perature variations, drought and salt, herbivore or pathogen attack, alone, or in combination (Loreto and Schnitzler 2010). Emission of vol- atile isoprenoids is a metabolic cost for plants, but benefits involve an improvement of thermo- tolerance and higher antioxidant capacity (Loreto and Schnitzler 2010; Tattini et al. 2015). Indeed, plants may use volatile isoprenoids as a fast response mechanism to cope with environ- mental constraints (Loreto et al. 2014). How- organic aerosol, and particulate matter can be formed by the photochemically driven reaction between NOx and VOCs (Fehsenfeld et al. 1992; species might be important for the improve- ment of the air quality in urban environments. Abiotic Table 5. Tree allergenicity and VOCs emission capacity; h = high, l = low. Species Acer pseudoplatanus Ailanthus altissima Betula pendula Carpinus betulus Ginkgo biloba Platanus × hispanica Quercus robur Robinia pseudoacacia Tilia cordata z Ogren (2000) y Karl et al. (2009) x Carinanos and Casares-Porcell (2011) w Loreto et al. (2014) w Kesselmeier and Staudt (1999) v Benjamin and Winer (1998) † Female ever, in the choice of the tree species in urban areas, it is important to consider that a species can emit VOCs, but that this disservice can be counterbalanced by the services it provides. CONCLUSIONS This review has provided a comprehensive assessment of tree species suitable for phy- toremediation in the urban environment. Due to physiological and morphological character- istics and to the intrinsic tolerance to several stress factors, some species seem particularly promising as an indicator of the environmental ©2017 International Society of Arboriculture Allergenicity hz hz, x, † hz, x hz, x hz, x, † hx hz, x hz hz VOCs emission ly lw lw lw lw, v lw h w h w, v hw, v ly Phytostabilization Phytomanagement Foliar trapping capacity ht n.k. ll n.k. n.k. n.k. lx hl, f n.k. (pioneer species)s n.k. (pioneer species)l n.k. n.k. n.k. n.k. (pioneer species)l n.k. hu, r hp hz, r, l, i hy, r, l ls, h lg h l hr, l ls, r hy, g, r, i
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