24 Acknowledgments. We thank C. Tinkel, City Forester for sharing Fort Wayne removal data, B. Shaw, B. Kiger, A. Mertz, P. Pinco, and D. Mindham for providing survey trees in West Lafayette, Lafay- ette, Indianapolis, and Carmel, Indiana. We also want to thank B. Blood, G. Frazier, M. Paschen, L. Patrick, J. Prado, A. Rios, C. Quesada, S. Stack, K. Strack, T. Stewart, N. VanDerLann, and C. Wood for assisting in surveys, B. Delara, and R. Moore for pro- gramming the updated calculator, and E. Imboden for computer logistical support. We are also thankful to R. Haight of USFS for reviewing this paper and his suggestions for the economic analysis. This project was funded by USDA-NIFA-41530-21043 awarded to MDG and CSS. LITERATURE CITED Anulewicz, A.C., D.G. McCullough, and D.L. Cappaert. 2007. Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) density and canopy dieback in three North American ash species. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 33:338–349. Ball, J., S. Mason, A. Kiesz, D. McCormick, and C. 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January 2017
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