Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 37(4): July 2011 located to states that was strongly correlated with money subse- quently accounted for and transferred to local U&CF programs through technical assists (0.473, p = 0.002) which was one of four predictors in the final a priori model. Finally, federal money ac- counts for 60% of state U&CF program funding and it is used to support staff which conduct technical assistance which was a significant attribute with building local urban forestry (Hauer and Johnson 2008). This study found moderate to strong correlations between federal and state funding sources and the number of tech- nical and financial assists in a state. Thus, even though the federal money attribute was not directly significant in explaining a change in the multiple regression model, it was presumably captured in other ways with the overall increase in local U&CF activity. A strong correlation exits between perception of the strength of state U&CF program continuation (0.666, p = 0.000) and state- level government funding (Hauer 2005). Interestingly, no rela- tionship existed between this perception and the level of federal funding (0.168, p = 0.293). A significant correlation (data not shown) was found in this study with the amount of state govern- ment funding of state U&CF programs and the year the state pro- gram was initiated (-0.352, p = 0.024), number of full-time equiv- alent state U&CF employees (0.468, p = 0.002), perception of adequacy with state government funding of the program (0.307, p = 0.017), and percentage of full-time employment the state U&CF coordinator would be at today if the federal U&CF program was not expanded in 1991 (0.460, p = 0.002). Correlation evidence suggests that elimination of federal funding would have less ef- fect on the state U&CF programs (-0.607, p = 0.000) that have taken an active role to use state funds above the base provided by the USFS. Thus, state U&CF programs that have been around longer and have a greater input of state government financing, have a tendency to have greater capacity to be self sufficient and led to greater local U&CF activity during the study time period. CONCLUSION In summary, this study found strong evidence that techni- cal assistance from state U&CF programs translates into in- creased local U&CF activity. It was determined there is less certainty with state money allocations to the state U&CF pro- gram or the use of grants and their relationship with increased local activity. The ten-year period of this study may impact discovery of a relationship between some indicators and the increased activity detected over the study period. 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