Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 37(2): March 2011 ash component were lost. All costs for the fiscal analyses were based on results of the cost survey previously discussed (Table 3; Table 4). Given that there were no statistical differences detected among the states for any of the cost types (p = 0.16 for tree and stump costs, based on a Kruskal-Wallis test; p = 0.94 for land- scape cost or basic prices; p = 0.40 for replacement costs), the overall median was used for each cost analysis. Median prices Median Tree & Stump Removal Costs 0–30 cm Illinois (n = 8) Indiana (n = 8) Michigan (n = 9) Wisconsin (n = 7) Four-state median (n = 32) $270 $156 $215 $144 $184 30–61 cm $515 $338 $440 $348 $413 Table 4. Median base prices and replacement costs for four states and the four-state median. State Illinois (n = 2,6) Indiana (n = 1,4) Michigan (n = 5,8) Wisconsin (n = 4,7) Four-state median (n = 12,25) Basic Price $3,136 $2,200 $4,276 $2,173 $2,539 Replacement Cost $393 $425 $345 $300 $365 were used because outliers are removed and thus are preferred in many circumstances (CTLA 2000), such as forensic situations. Landscape value represents the loss of the existing tree and its contributions to the site and the environment, includ- ing but not limited to shading, stormwater mitigation, pol- lution abatement, and impacts on property values. The ba- sic value of a 33 cm ash tree was $2,539 per tree according to the survey. Recall that location and condition values for street and private native ash trees were estimated to be 60% and 70%, respectively, using the national guide. As such, the landscape value is conservatively estimated to be $2,539 * 0.6 * 0.7 or $1,066 per private or street tree. Since park trees were estimated to have a location value of 50%, park trees would have an estimated landscape value of $889 per park tree. Thus, estimates of the potential loss in landscape value of street trees would be between $54,792 (median-based) and $63,960 (mean-based) per 1,000 residents (Table 5). Scaling up to region-wide totals and changing scale to mil- lions of dollars, estimates of the region’s loss in land- scape value for street trees would be between $1,852 (me- dian-based) and $2,162 (mean-based) million (Table 6). Estimates of the landscape value for the four-state re- gion’s park trees in communities would be between Table 5z 87 $252 (median-based) and $899 (mean-based) mil- lion. Estimates of the landscape value of private trees in the region’s communities would be between $5,625 (median based) and $11,952 million (mean-based). In ag- gregate, the landscape losses range from $7.7 to $15 billion. Tree removals are another cost that will significantly impact communities. For example, Toledo, OH, had incurred costs ex- Table 3. Median prices in dollars for tree and stump removal costs by state, and a four-state median for five sizes of tree. State 61–76 cm $848 $613 $650 $565 $670 76–91 cm $1,230 $893 $950 $855 $1,048 > 91 cm $1,859 $1,305 $1,500 $1,500 $1,563 ceeding $2 million and had removed about half of the affected ash prior to 2008 (Schaar 2008). Unlike lost landscape values, which do not show immediately on the bank statement, tree re- moval costs reduce a community’s fiscal options. Since the nor- malized tree DBH was 34 cm and the average DBH was 33 cm, the tree removal costs for a 30–61 cm tree were used. For street and private trees, both tree removal and stump removal costs (Table 3: $413 total) will be included because these plants are normally replaced upon removal. Park trees, on average, may not require stump removal, thus only tree removal costs ($331, data not shown in Table 3) will be considered when calculating costs. Estimates of the aggregated four-state costs for ash street tree removal would be between $718 (median-based) and $838 (mean-based) million (Table 6); for park trees, between $94 (median-based) and $335 million (mean-based); for private trees in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin communi- ties, between $2,179 (median-based) and $4,631 (mean-based) million. Potential region-wide removal costs, including street, park, and private trees, range from $2,991 (median-based) to $5,804 (mean-based) million. Again, tree removal costs will appear directly on both public and private budgets. Tree replacement costs are in some ways optional, but most park trees, street trees, and private trees with the exception of wooded areas will be replaced. Common replacement sizes range from 2.5 to 8 cm DBH. Thus, a 5.1 cm tree was used as a replace- ment size for this paper. A 5.1 cm tree retailed for $365 per the cost survey including planting and a guarantee. Estimates of ag- gregated four-state costs for ash street tree replacements would be between $634 (median-based) and $740 (mean-based) mil- lion (Table 6); for park trees, between $104 (median-based) and $369 (mean-based) million; for private trees, between $1,926 (median-based) and $4,092 (mean-based) million. Total re- . Potential losses per 1,000 residents in dollars (to the nearest dollar) giving mean and median values for landscape value, tree removal costs, and replacement costs. Street, park, and public trees are given separately as are the totals for each. Landscape Values Street Trees Park Trees Private Trees Total (median-based) $54,792 $7,468 $166,403 $228,663 (mean-based) $63,960 $26,581 $353,592 $444,133 Tree Removal Costs (median-based) $21,228 $2,780 $64,469 $88,477 Replacement Costs (mean-based) $24,780 $9,897 $136,992 $171,669 (median-based) (mean-based) $18,761 $3,066 $56,976 $78,803 z Table 3 and Table 4 are presented primarily to enable communities to modify estimates of potential economic impacts of EAB for their community. ©2011 International Society of Arboriculture $21,900 $10,914 $121,071 $153,885
March 2011
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