Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 45(4): July 2019 planting sites must be prepared properly to allow suf- ficient drainage. Also, watering volume and fre- quency will need to be adjusted to suit the site-specific soil characteristics, tree-specific water usage, and weather conditions. CONCLUSIONS There is a dearth of information in the literature on the benefits of watering devices for newly planted urban trees. This study was designed to determine if there are any differences in performance and benefits of several different types of indirect watering devices to newly transplanted river birch trees by conducting a watering experiment on container-grown trees in a controlled greenhouse environment. We strived to use methods of watering in our experiment that are practical for city workers to apply in a different envi- ronmental setting, including urban landscapes, where spigots may not be easily accessible. Some of our indirect watering devices had some performance and logistical advantages (e.g., ease of installing, han- dling, and filling of water), and had slower release of water than a hose, but the devices did not benefit transplanted trees more than watering with a hose (e.g., growth). Future studies should assess whether indirect watering devices reduce loss of water due to runoff in a natural field setting, which would imply greater infiltration. If the devices reduce runoff, their use could conserve water compared to direct water- ing. Future studies should also test for benefits to trees on soils with different drainage properties. How- ever, variations in soil types and microsites, and in natural precipitation, would be more difficult to con- trol in a natural setting. 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July 2019
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