Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 45(4): July 2019 fitness. Chlorophyll fluorescence is therefore an excel- lent non-destructive tool to measure the physiological state of photosynthetic tissues (Maxwell and Johnson 2000) and could provide valuable health information in preparation for potential infestations as well as informing long-term management of an ash resource. Previous work has shown that a single stem injec- tion of emamectin benzoate at a 0.4 g ai/2.54 cm dbh rate reduces A. planipennis larvae up to almost 100% for three years (Smitley et al. 2010a) with biennial treatments being optimal (Flower et al. 2015). Our work shows that trees previously infested with A. planipennis also show physiological signs of improvement, suggest- ing at least short-term recovery from attack is also possible through continued applications every three years. LITERATURE CITED Baker, N.R., and E. Rosenqvist. 2004. 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